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  • cowboyjkl


My hotel room directly faces St. Stephens Cathedral..a 12th Century landmark of central (Interstat) Vienna. Originally designed in the Romanesque style, it was expanded and redesigned in a classic Gothic style over the ensuing centuries. Its South Tower rises an imposing 136 meters (447 feet) and is surrounded by a 'platz', a huge intersectional pedestrian plaza.

Day 1. The Albertina (part of the Hofburg complex and a treasure of modern art). A special exhibition of Modigliani is on display (evolution from scuplting to painting, including his 'scandalous' nudes of his only solo salon exhibition in 1917. The permenant collection is an exceptionally well curated presentation of early Impressionist to Abstract Expressionist, including Pointalism, Cubism, the Fauvists, der Blaue Reider, and der exceptional presentation.

Day 2. Kunst Historisches. Special exhibition of Titian (and a few Tintoretto) on the "Vision of Women", plus the amazing personal collection of the Hapsburgs covering 15th to 17th century paintings from the Netherlands, Flanders and Germany (Rubens, Rembrant, Velaquez).

Day 3. The Belvedere. I am undecided on whether I am most impressed with the stunning majesty of the buildings and grounds or the collection of G. Klimt paintings. Two special exhibitions were on display -- The Age of Durer and Waldmuller/Biedermeier Vienna. I was not interested in the former, but found the later to be interesting in how portrait painting moved from royals and the church to upper class, wealthy commoners. The Belvedere's permanent collection is Viennese Modernism. It did not disappoint. Stunning! I personally prefer Klimt's "Lady withFan" over the luminous and celebrated "The Kiss".

Day 4. A walking tour to and at the Hofbug. The Hofburg is the principal imperial palace and grounds of the Hapsburg dynasty. It includes the Imperial Apartments (Sisi Museum), the Imperial Treasury, the Imperial Library, the Imperial Chapel, the Spanish Riding School as well as extensive public grounds and other buildings that now museums. The Hofburg is currently the home of the Austrian Parliament and the official residence of the Austrian President. The scale and scope of the Hofburg reflects the wealth of the nearly 700 year rein of the Hapsburg monarchy . It is cold and windy today, yet the sun and history tempers my pace.

Final Day. It is a dining at famous venues day. But first, a Covid test so I can fly to Zurich and then home via Miami. I waited for the hard copy report; I test I am relaxed for this last day. I have reservations: For lunch at Cafe Central (where Trotsky and Freud hung out) and for dinner at Hotel Sacher to finish with the famous sachertorte.

And so ends this well fed journey!

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